Thursday, February 19, 2009

Double Standard

Where was Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson when this cartoon was published?

Why was this depiction of Bush as an ape okay, but the cartoon in the Post isn't? Why can only white people be racist? If an African American had created the image would it have been okay, or are they outraged because a white guy created it? I just don't get it.


AJ said...

I voted for Obama and am a big fan, but I still agree with your point 100%. Maybe D-Town has tainted my view, but there sure is a double standard on racism. I could go on for ever about Kwame, the bastardization of the State-Aid program, and Detroit in general, but then I sound like a racist. But I totally hear ya.

JJ said...

There is a double standard, but it is because as much as we wish it weren’t so, it isn’t a level playing field when it comes to race. When a black person is portrayed as an ape or monkey it references the the historical attitude that they are basically no better than apes or monkeys – dirty, stupid, lazy, or even that they actually are those animals. Yeah – most of us hopefully don’t think like that, but it wasn’t that long ago that ideas like that were pretty wide spread, and there are lots of places where ideas like that are still accepted – maybe not publicly, but they are there. So, the Obama cartoon has this whole historical context behind it of attitudes that blacks are apes and less than human that just isn't there for the Bush cartoon.

JJ said...
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