Thursday, April 02, 2009

I've been home sick the last two days. I've slept more in the past 48 hours than I thought was even possible. I'm finally feeling *mostly* better and plan to go back tomorrow. Nothing too much is new with Josh and I. Work has been busy and we are looking forward to leaving for Vegas next week. I haven't been posting much lately, but honestly, its just because nothing is really going on. We're so wrapped up with work that by the time the weekend comes we just crash.

I work related news, I found out that everyone in my division has to take 2-3 weeks off 'unpaid' this year. My group is only taking 2 weeks, but they are probably only going to actually 'let' us take one. I say 'let' because we are getting paid half our salary to sit home, which I can't say I am too bummed about. I picked a week in June and a week at the end of August (when Melissa is due). The only reason we are doing it is because so many others groups are doing these rolling layoffs for 4-10 weeks this year (but they are huge cost centers or production facilities and we aren't) and we have to show that we are doing 'something'. Fine by me! The only downfall is that Josh's group isn't planning any of these rolling shutdowns, so he wont get the 'break' with me.

Oh, and my mom is getting a breast reduction in May. She thinks its not going to be a big deal and only plans on needing 4 days of recovery time. I think it will be quite a bit longer than that - the procedure is pretty intense. Makes me thankful I have small ones!!! :)


AJ said...

I'm waiting for our company to announce involuntary time off. I can't imagine it's far off. I already 'buy' a week of vacation though, so obviously I'm on board with the idea:)

Best wishes to your mom on her surgery and recovery!

Kara said...

I think I would enjoy the time off, but I would miss the pay. At least 1/2 is better than none, right?

Hope your mom's surgery goes well.

alanna rose said...

I'll be thinking about your mom! My BF's mom had that done a few years ago and was really happy with the results - I can't remember how long she took to recover...

Totally unrelated - I just bought a sweater that totally looks like your blog - I'll have to post a picture someday :)