Thursday, June 25, 2009


My earliest memory:
My Uncle Mike (my moms brother) lived with my mom and dad and I his senior year of HS because his parents (my grandparents) moved to Florida the summer before and he didn't want to switch schools. Our house was small at the time - 2 bedrooms, so he had a makeshift ‘bedroom’ in the basement. This was 1985/86 so I was 3 or 4 years old. I always wanted to go downstairs and play with my Uncle Mike but I wasn't allowed. One day he let me come downstairs and sit on his bed and listen to the Michael Jackson Thriller album with him. I remember looking at the album cover with MJ in the white suit with the baby tiger and feeling very grown up. I thought it was a pretty big deal!
Funny the goofy little things you remember.

Its sad MJ died so young. My heart goes out to his children.

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